Blast-Off From High School With Style

For most people, the night after graduation is usually the first time they are allowed to stay out all night. For many (ex) high scholars, it is a night to remember, especially since it is a defining moment: stepping out of childhood and into the cusp of adulthood. So, instead of simply doing the rounds of the bar like you always do, why not turn your final moments of high school into a week-long celebration? Here are some suggestions on the many different ways you can celebrate alongside your friends.

Full-Scale Adventure LandSince you are planning on stepping into adulthood, why not prepare yourself by attending leadership camps with your friends? There are summer camps and short-term programmes that team building Gold Coast, trust exercises and other things you will need in order to face life as an adult. It is also a fun, bonding experience that you can treasure as memories for the rest of your life. Since you and your friends will soon be moving on to different areas in life as well as location, this could like a last hurrah together – a bigger version of your childhood slumber parties.

Become a LegendWouldn’t it be lovely if your home town continued to speak your name even after you’ve left? For many people, ensuring everlasting fame is easy: spray paint a few neighbourhoods, be a brat and you have ensured a place in people’s memories. However, there is a better way to do this and that is to engage in a community service project with your friends. Paint a wall, build a library, repair a play ground or do something which will help carry your name on others’ lips for some time to come – for a good reason too. Not only will this (again) create memories, it will teach you how to work together in team building activities and focus on getting the job done.

Obligatory Party NightWhat’s a celebration without some drinks and disco lights? Drinking your way into a hangover is an obligatory way of celebrating the graduation from high school. However, always remember to go to a friendly neighbourhood bar or somewhere you know you can make a quick escape from if you feel uncomfortable. It might be a good idea to have an older sibling tag along to remain sober and keep an eye out. No matter how much you want to, the seedy dive bars can wait till college. They have far too many predators for young adults just out of high school.